Category: Culture


Letters of Gratitude

My beloved Winter Solstice, I hold such a soft spot in my heart for you. I used to see you as just words on a calendar, unaware of all you had to offer. Now I think back to the first time I honoured you and I’m overflowing with love and gratitude. You gave me the opportunity to hold space for myself when I felt so alone in my grief. You also remind me of the blessings of rest and receiving.

Holiday Self-Care Tips

December barrels into our lives with a suitcase filled with less daylight, the pressure of gift-giving, familial obligations and, of course, exam stress. December throws that suitcase at you as if you are a bellhop, expecting you to carry it for all 31 days — plus an extended vacation into the new year.

How The Pandemic Has Changed Our Relationships

I look back on my middle-school self with a mixture of derisive amusement and pity. The kid who was so out of the loop, he didn’t even try to fit in, the kid who thought playing Minecraft at lunch and breaking the school beep test record twice in two days would do anything but alienate me from the general population. I had friends, but I couldn’t really be myself around them. The primal human instinct to gravitate towards other people was completely lost on me.

Canadian Activists They Don’t Mention In Textbooks: 2SLGBTQIA+ & Indigenous Edition

While attending high school, I learned about Terry Fox's stride across stolen land to raise money for cancer research, but when it came to acquiring knowledge about queer and Indigenous changemakers, I was on my own. These people’s stories are part of our history and their impact lives on today through activists, abolitionists and those brave enough to mobilize their rage to work towards dismantling the structures of oppression.

How Doc Martens Became a Staple in Lesbian’s Closets

In the 1960s, Dr. Klaus created the infamous 1460 Doc Martens with air-cushioned soles. He showcased the prototype to a friend from university, and production began shortly after using surplus military supplies. Once released to the public, the clunky boot was adopted by older women who had a knack for sensible footwear. Doc Martens gained popularity in the 70s among members of counterculture circles, activists, punks and the queer community. A big factor in their adoption by those on the margins of society was their price tag, accessibility and availability in secondhand shops.

Modern Witchcraft

Many people have heard or seen the depictions of witches in the media or heard stories of witches as a child but, what does it mean to be a modern witch? Most cultures have roots in witchcraft and spirituality, as many different forms of Witchcraft have been practiced since the beginning of recorded history. Witchcraft was, unfortunately, demonized and given a bad rep leading many of those who practiced it to hide their beliefs. Today, modern-day witchcraft is resurfacing, as many witches feel safer to openly practice their beliefs. Victoria-based Creative, Tarot Reader, and witch, Dakota Tollefson, sat down with us and took us on a journey of what her practice means to her.

Aesthetic Autumn

Keep' it Old School- Going to that old pumpkin patch, kissing your sweetheart on Halloween eve, the crackle of classic music on your record player, painting your face (you’re going as a ragdoll this year), handing out baby sized candies to the neighbourhood kids.