Tag: creative


Art as Resistance and Reclamation

In a world where capitalism forces us to do almost everything for profit — turning our passions, our stories, ourselves, into a commodity in order to survive, art as resistance and reclamation is powerful. Although there are still many that are skeptical when it comes to art having an important role in social justice work, many do see it as significant in activism. Many also think of it as being a healing part of reclaiming one’s own cultural and ancestral ways. But what exactly does this mean?

Two Creatives to Look out for in 2022

Mauvey (he/him) is an alternative musical artist who blends various genres into creative, authentic expressions of love. His latest project, a mixtape titled The Florist, was released in late 2021, accompanied by a short film. Born in Ghana, but raised in the UK and so-called Vancouver, Mauvey continues to push the boundaries of the local and international music scene all while spreading love.

Abandoning the Creativity We Nurtured

When the world as we knew it seemed to come to an abrupt stop early in 2020, I remember feeling consumed by equal parts fear, relief, and strangely enough, joy. Not joy or relief that there was a deadly virus that was killing millions of people obviously. But a sense of relief and joy that for once I had time to allow my creative spirit to soar.