Scarlett Vanderwoodsen, Columnist // Illustration By Cynthia Tran Vo It was three years ago when I had the epiphany of my lifetime. I was just about to fail every course I was […]
Scarlett Vanderwoodsen, Columnist Around this time last year, I received an email response inviting me to audition for the company I’m currently with. They were in a hurry to get […]
Scarlett Vanderwoodsen // Columnist There’s something so powerful about finding your niche, finding your community — finding your home. Connecting your passion to what you pursue and take action on […]
Why I question what has always been expected of me as a woman and performer Scarlett Vanderwoodsen, Columnist // Illustration by Alison Johnstone The first day I wore black lipstick to […]
Scarlett Vanderwoodsen // Columnist One of the first things I ever took pride in was my expert knowledge of how to apply foundation, which I had learned before entering high […]
Scarlett Vanderwoodsen, Columnist // Illustration By Cynthia Tran Vo I can’t be the only one to have had the recurring nightmare in which I somehow end up at a social event […]