Here’s To

Maysa Sharifi // Contributor
Geraldine Yaris // Illustration

Here’s to the women who’ve had their strength stripped from them, the ones who treat everyone right but somehow get treated so wrong. 

To the women who forget that their hearts still radiate light before the sun itself comes up, because they were told their bodies could never hold such things. 

Here’s to the women who lose every battle, not because they are weak, but because the world brings guns to every fist fight. 

To the women who lose every argument, not because they are wrong, but because the purest of hearts are the ones that get pulled the most, and the softest voices are the ones that get convinced otherwise. 

Here’s to the women who’ve forgotten they are beautiful, because the mirrors people put in front of them are not and never will reflect the majestic beings that they are. 

To the women who continue to get out of bed in the morning despite having every reason not to, the ones who reach into their bag and pull out a smile to wear for the day. 

Here’s the women who continue to bloom and grow despite being buried in dry soil. 

Here’s to you.

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