Never too old for a sweet treat

Should trick or treating have an age limit?

Valeria Velazquez, Contributor

When we think of trick-or-treating we think of kids dressing up in their favorite costumesĀ and going from door to door asking for candy. But why do we only imagine kids doingĀ this? Why not candie-starved adults? Most of us get to a certain age when we thinkĀ weā€™re too old for it. Maybe we think the act of trick-or-treating will take away ourĀ credibility as cooler and wiser adults, or maybe we were reminded of the social normsĀ which tell us weā€™re ā€œtoo old.ā€ Well, I beg to differ.

When I first went trick-or-treating with my friends in Mexico I felt something (IĀ don’t really want to say it, but I will) — ā€œmagical.ā€ The freedom of putting on a costume andĀ getting to be whomever or whatever you want is something incredible, even if for oneĀ night out of the year. The thrill of waiting at someoneā€™s door not knowing if theyā€™ll openĀ up and give you candy or yell at you is undeniable.

Itā€™s time to live a little, folks.Ā Disappointment and social stigma doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t have fun and create lastingĀ memories. Even though Iā€™m in my twenties, my personal policy is if I feel like doing it, IĀ will. No shame. No fucks given. Iā€™ll put on a costume (a human-sized taco being the lastĀ one), take a friend, and go door to door collecting candy. Reminiscing on your past as aĀ young one should precede any concerns about judgment.Ā 

Of course the dressing up part is something many of us still do, even at an olderĀ age. It might be to go to an amazing party or just a small get together with our friends,Ā but the point here is to acknowledge the problem that a lot of us stop doing what weĀ used to do as kids even though we still have a part of us that needs to connect with ourĀ childhood self. Whether youā€™re seven, twenty-seven, hell, even fifty-seven years old, IĀ say all the power to you, doĀ it. I would love to see a 70 year old dressed as a witch or aĀ vampire going from door to door asking for candy with their grandkids. Wouldnā€™t you?

As we get older we start to realize that other peopleā€™s views donā€™t need to haveĀ such an impact on what we do, especially if itā€™s something we enjoy. As far as trick-or-treating goes I think no one, not even yourself, should place a limit on having fun. SocialĀ mores try and police us on what we should do, when we should do it, and how to act inĀ certain situations. And that right there, my friends, is when we should question theseĀ expectations and (excuse the clichĆ©) follow whatever our hearts tell us.Ā 

The truth is, there is no clear line of right and wrong when it comes to HalloweenĀ (unless we’re talking about Michael Myers going on a trick-or-treat killing spree), andĀ we’re only denying ourselves joy if we place too much importance on social stigmas.Ā Just know, you’re never too old for a sweet treat.

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