Celebrating the individuals who make our community what it is… for the third time.
Freya Wasteneys, Features Editor
The Best of Cap Awards saw a good turnout for a Wednesday night at Capilano University. With approximately 50 in attendance, the Capilano Students’ Union (CSU) Members Centre was transformed into a sparkly masterpiece by the Courier’s Community Relations Manager, Ana Caicedo, and even Keanu Reeves saw fit to make an appearance (albeit, looking rather a lot like our Columns Editor, Rachel D’Sa).
Celebrating the untold success stories on the CapU campus, winners were nominated by their peers and decided on by the ever-growing CapU community. This was our third year of presenting the Best of Cap and we look forward to future years of acknowledging those who keep campus life exciting.
Juliana Ferrante – Best Dressed Woman
Whether she’s sporting business casual, or a fluorescent yellow knit hoodie, somehow Juliana Ferrante always manages to look flawless. The fourth-year Communications student took home the women’s award for Best Dressed, arriving fashionably late to the soirée because she was “in class and then had a meeting.” At least we know she’s not just a pretty face.
John Tabbernor – Best Dressed Man
This suave trend-setter has the voice of a radio star, but the style of Barney Stinson. Tabbernor may be a seasoned veteran in the Communications program, but outside of school he is even more so. His military background has given him hidden talents, and he can probably do more push ups than you too. As the former Community Relations Manager for the Capilano Courier, Tabbernor maintained a calm and collected air as he accepted this prestigious award for Best Dressed Man. His reaction: a very professional handshake.
Yats Palat – Changemaker and Unsung Hero
Walk through the Maple Building’s CSU lounge, and you will inevitably be greeted by the friendly face of Yats Palat. Now in his final year of the Business Administration program, the vice president of student life is certainly living up to his award for Changemaker as he brings larger-than-life events and constant fun to campus. The avid traveller, and former football star, is keen to create connections and thrives on bringing communities together. He also managed to snag the Unsung Hero award, though that may be pushing it since the extroverted socialite managed to receive three nominations for Best of Cap. Cheeky.
Anna Rempel – Best Student Politician
Rempel proves that you don’t have to be loud to be heard. While seemingly soft-spoken, Rempel has been heralded for exhibiting amazing leadership qualities, and was commended by one nominee for her ability to “get people going” and support people to “soar to new heights”. What better traits for the President of the CSU, not to mention Vice-President of Equity and Sustainability. For someone who can guide with a compassionate yet decisive hand, we can’t think of anyone better to call the Best Student Politician and can see many wonderful opportunities ahead for the recent Global Stewardship graduate. Clearly Blundstones are the new high heels.
Kym Stewart – Life Changing Professor
It’s hard not to love the energetic and fun Communications professor, Dr. Kym Stewart. As the recipient of the Life Changing Professor award, Stewart lives up to the title. Her passion for teaching, kind demeanour and ability to drive foreign concepts into students’ heads is truly admirable. Despite being wickedly smart, she also happens to be down-to-earth and approachable to the point where you sometimes forget she’s grading your assignments. She’s not a regular professor, she’s a cool professor.
Keith Jackson – Community Achievement and Best Student Athlete
With a Global Stewardship diploma turned Communications degree, Keith Jackson is in the throes of his fifth and final year at Capilano and is a prominent fixture on campus. This isn’t his first award of the year either – this fall he was the recipient of the CCAA Men’s Soccer Player of the Year award. But despite his many accolades, he is always keen to highlight the achievements of his fellow Capilano Blues. His interest in not-for-profits, volunteering efforts and time spent abroad have given him life experience beyond the classroom, and he has shown that he is willing to dedicate his time to the betterment of his community. If only we were all so motivated.
Exit 22 – Best Performing Arts Ensemble
Bringing to the stage the best of CapU’s acting and musical talent, Exit 22 is the Theatre Department’s well-regarded production company. This year, Exit 22 has brought to campus spectacles like Sense and Sensibility, The Learned Ladies, and the upcoming 9 to 5: The Musical. What’s not to love?
Exposure – Best Visual Art Piece
Illustrated by Aidan Zecchel, “Exposure” was created as a collaborative project for an article written by a CapU Communications student titled “Weaving Reconciliation”. Using watercolour, Zecchel’s broad strokes create a powerful, geometric and whimsical wonder that dares you not to look away. With the prestigious IDEA program, CapU can legitimately claim itself a hotspot for talent in the Visual Arts. This award is not to be taken lightly – even if it is a watercolour.
Capilano Blues Men’s Basketball – Best Blues Team
Capilano Blues’ Men’s Basketball Team knows the value of working together under pressure. They exhibit teamwork and sportsmanship on and off the court, and recently moved into second place in the PACWEST after a win in Victoria. Plus, they bear the name of us all on their jerseys. Thanks for keeping the pride alive. Go, go Gryffindor… I mean Blues!
Nite Cap – Best Musician/Group
This enigmatic vocal jazz ensemble has captured student hearts on campus. As part of the Jazz Studies diploma program, this student group is constantly re-ensembled, but they perform an advanced repertoire by both well-respected jazz performers and arrangers, as well as works produced by students. For a free concert, sneak past the stairs at the base of the Fir Building. Maybe.
CAPUMA – Best On Campus Group/Organization
Business students love their acronyms, and the CapU Marketing Association (CAPUMA) is no exception. CAPUMA facilitates partnerships with professional associations and aims to promote networking and relationship building within CapU and the wider community. As one of the many student groups who strive to make CapU a better place, the Best Campus Group award was presented to CAPUMA’s President, Rosemary Preckel. She is in her last year at CapU and is passionate about providing mentorship opportunities for her fellow students.
CapFest – Best Event
Planned over the course of two years, CapFest celebrated its 50th birthday in style, earning the title for Best Event. Featuring bands like Hey Ocean! and Five Alarm Funk, the turnout for the event exceeded expectations, with 4,400 attendees throughout the day. Food trucks and a liquor licence kept everyone well fed and watered. How better to start the Fall semester?