Hiding COVID-19 results seems shady—and it is. Joss Arnott // Staff Writer Amy Asin // Illustrator It’s unclear what life would have been like if Capilano University (CapU) had reopened […]
The passing referendum highlights need for more student engagement on campus. Nirosh Saravanan, Contributor Why is it so quiet on campus? Where are the events? The work spaces? CapU’s students […]
The university admissions and testing scandal Clarissa Sabile, Contributor This month, an admissions and testing scandal titled “Operation Varsity Blues” broke out in prominent US Ivy League universities. Fifty parents, […]
Traversing a Cultural Journey Through Comedy Sheila Arellano, Arts & Culture Editor On Feb. 23, Canada’s award-winning comedian Ed Hill was in Vancouver recording his third live album Son of Smiley at […]
The annual competition names CapU among five other post-secondary institutions. Omar Salem, Contributor As if turning 50 was not enough to be ecstatic about, Capilano University has been recognized as one […]
A day to celebrate cultural diversity and rescue underrepresented languages Sheila Arellano // Arts & Culture Editor Language carries culture within it, and conveys a specific view of the […]
Fabulist Theatre Company, formed by two CapU grads, explores 90 years of women in musicals in 90 minutes Christine Beyleveldt // Editor-in-Chief Capilano University grads Mary Littlejohn and Damon Jang have had 10 years […]
The Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis by Charles Greenberg is just one of several public talks by a CapU professor The Capilano Universe lecture series are complimentary lectures presented in public libraries […]
Smoking marijuana isn’t the real issue Mark Mapoles, Contributor We all know that smoking is bad for our health and we shouldn’t do it, but there are a lot of […]
The CSU has extended their support to Ontario students’ unions after Ford announced dramatic fee changes Annalisse Crosswell, Associate News Editor The Ontario government announced drastic changes to post-secondary tuition […]