Do I Know What I Say?

Vansh Malhotra (He/Him) // Contributor  


Someone who had always been the answers to all my questions.  

Someone who now becomes a question mark to all my answers.  

Did talking to you remind me of positivity?  

Or did positivity remind me of you?  

I am confused. Did we become friends to change our destiny?  

Or did destiny decide to change our friendship?  

Maybe, the answer did not lie in friendship adding to our happiness.  

The thought of adding happiness to our friendship never crossed my mind.  

I hope this is only my horrible imagination confusing the bright reality.  

Alas, no, it is the horrible reality confusing my bright imagination! 


I am laughing out loud. I am crying inside.  

I am smiling at everyone. I am sulking from within.  

I am excited to socialize, I am dreading talking to myself.  

I chuckle and giggle when I think about you. I also get anxious at the same time. 


Life is funny. Life is serious,  

Life is a mystery. Life is dreary . 

I am confused. I have clarity. 

I do not know. Maybe I know.  


I am not able to accept it. I am not able to reject it.  

I am clueless. 

I want to speak to my family. I do not want to speak to them. 

They may get irritated. At times they understand me, too.  

I am unable to sit still. I have to sit still.  

I do not want to study. I have to study. 

I want to erase memories of you. Maybe, I want you back in my life.  

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